Metaverse has been a hot topic and boomed recently just after the Tech giant company was renamed Meta (Formally Facebook).
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that the decision to rename Facebook was made to “Reflect who we are and what we hope to build” referring to the company’s plan to focus on the metaverse.
But the question arises here what is Metaverse and why it is considering the next big revolution of times.
Back then in 1992, the author Neil Stephenson used the term ” Metaverse” in his science fiction Novel ‘SnowCrash’. In which he talks about life in digital space, Avatars in realistic 3D places, and other virtual reality spaces.
Meta is a Greek word that meant ‘beyond’. It’s a combination of multiple technologies like Virtual reality, augmented reality, and avatars. Where users can be a 3D holographic avatar and spend their time in the virtual world which you have already seen in movies like Ready player one and the matrix. In some limited form, this whole concept is already seen in video games such as Second Life, Roblox, and Minecraft.
As it was hard to envision two decades before that how’s the internet of 2020 would be, similarly at the same pace the conception of the metaverse is, in today’s world.
Core Attributes:
Monetary: Exchange the value that others can recognize. It might be NFT, Cryptocurrency, or some other similar technologies that are not even recognized yet.
Persistency: There is no option of replay, reset, pause or even end the event.
Interpolating: Exchange of data, assets, things is possible for every user. For example, you can design your own gun, even purchase a sports car in the league from the online store of BMW.
Sens of being available: Every user can be a part of the event at the same time. There is no restriction on the number of participants.
Living in the Real moment: Users can interact with others as they do in real-time with full consistency.
Infrastructure based on the internet already exists decentralized/ distributed computing models (such as distributed ledger technology and cloud computing). That will indicate what the infrastructure might look like in the future.
“To succeed, the Metaverse will require a range of new technologies, protocols, businesses, ideas, and insights. And it will appear out of nowhere; there won’t be a clear ‘Before Metaverse’ and ‘After Metaverse’ difference. Instead, it will emerge gradually over time as various goods, services, and capabilities connect and meld.”